Access To The Land Of The Barks


This is Ortney talking here. Orbit has been spending a lot of time with the Barks recently and she's managed to bring back some snapshots of a few scenes she's encountered there. I'm going to get her to write a bit about where she's been, but in the meantime I thought you might like to see what she's been seeing. Here are a few snapshots. If you would like to take a tour of the Barks one by one click on Bark Land Grand Tour. If you want to see a specific Bark, click on the one you want.

Who are these Bark guys anyways? Where are they and what are they doing? Inquiring minds would like to know.


Bark Land Grand Tour (all barks, linked in numerical order)


Access to individual barks

Added Dec 6, 1998:Bark #1, Bark #2, Bark #3, Bark #4, Bark #5, Bark #6, .HTM, Bark #8, Bark #9, Bark #10, Bark #11, Bark #12, Bark #13, Bark #14, Bark #15, Bark #16, Bark #17, Bark #18, Bark #19


Added Oct 29, 1998:Bark #20, Bark #21, Bark #22, Bark #23, Bark #24, Bark #25, Bark #26, Bark #27, Bark #28, Bark #29, Bark #30, Bark #31, Bark #32, Bark #33, Bark #34


Added Mar 12, 2000: Bark #35, Bark#36, Bark #37, Bark #38, Bark #39, Bark #40, Bark #41


Added Apr 01, 2001: Bark #42, Bark#43, Bark #44, Bark #45, Bark #46, Bark #47, Bark #48, Bark #49, Bark#50, Bark#51, Bark #52, Bark #53, Bark #54, Bark #55, Bark #56, Bark #57



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